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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Cosmic Mask by Ratnesh Dwivedi

Book- The Cosmic Mask
Category-Science Fantasy
Publisher- Lulu Press,Inc
Year- 2014
ISBN- 9 781500 464806

When I was a small kid growing up in a small village in rural eastern U.P,every night my mother would tell me stories of a demon from ocean in deep south flying towards mighty kingdom of Ayodhya in search of  Ashrams of holy saints to destroy it and abolish the Kingdom of Ayodhya. She would also tell me many stories of flying demons and how various gods of Hindu mythology lives in outer space in their respective kingdom of Swarga and Narka. Many stories told by her made me think how life can exist on other than earth, when my teacher told me that no where else other than Earth life exists. Sleeping on a mat on roof top of my old house alongside my mother I always looked in to sky and thought about bright stars and moon which were integral part of her stories.
When I grew up and was jobless for almost ten years I peeped in to NASA website and came across that magnificent thesaurus known as Space Science. In a crowded market of Thipsandara in Bangalore I sat for many hours in a cyber cafĂ© searching and studying NASA website  .The very same year Colombia Space Shuttle collapsed while on its returning path to Earth killing all six astronauts on board including India born Kalpana Chawla.I saw on television that entire India was worshiping for safe return of Colombia , a magic which did not occur. Two years later when I realized that I had enough information on various space missions and many other activities of NASA,I started a series of workshops in my ancestral town of Ayodhya on various activities and space missions of NASA. Soon I realized that there was a lot of potential among rural students to learn the adventure of space science, but there was a need to enlighten them with the knowledge through stories.
I knew that there has very less work been  done in this area of story writing on space adventure as for as Indian authors are concerned, so I started searching western authors and after couple of years research I joined some of remarkable NASA workshops and conferences conducted by Education outreach department of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. I was also given responsibility to conduct a prestigious essay contest of NASA in Indian schools which I am doing till date. In this exercise of attending NASA conferences and workshops and organizing its essay contest in India I came across a number of science fiction authors who have done commendable job and out of almost 1000 stories selected ten stories which caught my eyesight and to which I felt could be best for Indian readers.
In this whole exercise I am thankful to Gina Brisssenden of American Astronomical Society who conducts may workshops and tutorials for K-12 students in U.S. Schools .She is head of observatory division at University of Arizona. I am thankful to her for kind of insight I got by the workshop material she supplied to me. I am also thankful  to David M. Sidel, Manager, Education Cell of JPL to whom I know since I first peeped in to NASA website. I am also thankful to Shari Asplaud of McREL ,who allowed me to attend some of NASA workshops in Discovery series.
I am equally thankful to all my NASA Scientist friends who are on my Linked in friend account.
I bow my head to my parents who have been my source of motivation through all my life and equally I am thankful to my elder brother who nourished in me how to think scientifically. This book would not have been possible without constant support and love from my wife and five year old son who like me also intends to know about Sun, Moon and Earth.
And last but not least a word of thank to my publisher who made this compiled work possible and helped me in my goal to create awareness about Space  and Astronomy Science among Indian readers.