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Saturday, June 6, 2009


Honourable President and Mr Advisor,

I have some different thought. In his entire speech what appears as Mr President is getting frightend up with the extremist and fundamentalist world. He is fearfull ,I do not know whether he feel a threat over his lifer or it is just a practice when he is visiting some of Muslim coutries. The countries who once has been in the black list of USA, under whch so ever party was in power in America.

Perhaps Mr President's this excercise, may suceed him to please muslim world but Mr Obama is forgetting that similar excercises has been practised by his predecessors in countries like Afghanistan and Iran. And result was something which none of the USA President ever expected. The birth of Al Qaeda and Taliban.

This time too ,may be for a short term Obama may get success in pleasing the muslim world but its hard truth that his this very speech which he delieverd amidst some of the fundamentalist Muslim leaders will compeletly be unable to dilute the extent of terrorism and threat over USA. Osama ,on the very same day released a footage which expreesd his venom against Obama and USA.

President has have to understand that the countries in which he is delevring his so called historical speech has been shelter of Osama and other terror out fit.

If he really wants to get rid off with the Terrorism and Al Qaeda he rtequires to leave his double standerd and go for a decisive action against Jehadis, fundamentalist Muslima and outfits like Al Qaeda making it sure the safety of peaceloving Muslims across the world.


Ratnesh Dwivedi

(who has submitted more than 1000 suggestion to white house govt)

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