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Friday, July 10, 2009


Dear All,
We are living in the unipolar world. After the division of former Soviet Union and its decline to a troubled economy the world intended to lean towards the other super power, United States of America. Unlikly the scenario emerged out after second world war, when world was divided in communist and capitalist blocks,this time large number of countries started leaning towards United States of America.The countries like France, Germany and Italy who were in the group of Axis countries and fought against USA leaned towards America.

USA not only helped these countries to restrengthen economy but it also helped to smaller countries in Africa. And in return ,we all know CIA sought its own interest in these countries.CIA reshuffled the govts and helped favourable governments to come in power.USA also selected its power centers in middle east by supporting the countries like UAE,Saudi Arabia and Jordan. It also helped Israel to fight against Palestine and its so called terror organisation Hamas. In Afghanistan USA initially helped Taliban to fight out USSR army and succeeded.

This is the first half of the story before division of USSR.In due course and during regime of Senior Bush USA realised that its goal has been achieved in Afganistan,but the taliban now is asking its own pound of flesh and thus to rule in Afganistan.A second threat which USA has had to face in coming years was threat of Al qaeda. An organisation created on fanatic Islamic ideology.

Now its essantial to know the ideology and origin of Bin Laden. Ladens (that includes ancesstors of Bin Osama Laden) were rich buisnessman and liasionists in western coast of USA .Not only this but ladens were well connected with royal family of Saudi Arabia and were having growing buisness with them in oil buisness and real estate.The younger member of Laden family Osama Bin Laden had a keen tendency towards a rather rigid sect of Islam that is called Wahabism. The Wahabis restricts so many common tradition of Islaam that it becomes difficult for every day living. These Wahabis are supported by Sauds.The liberal Islamic world and countries which were pro America did not like it but it is studied that religious leaders of these countries supported Osama to work on his ideology.

This was the birth of Al qaeda.

Saddam Hussien was a dictator at large and has ruled Iraq for decades and has opposed USA for its claim on hidden biological weapon.

Septembe 11 attacks on world trade center made America realise that it is actually on the thresold of clear confrontation and target of once shelterd Laden. Now President bush came up with a new terminology of "WAR ON TERROR" to fight against these evil forcess and extend its fight beyond American boundries. In due course of time America claimed that Iraq not only had weapons of mass destruction but also had a link with Laden and Al qaeda.

So Bush administration along with its old enemies and new friends launched a heavy war fare in Iraq and this time unlikly his father Bush not only won the war but captured and hanged Saddam Hussien.

India, which was one time friend with Iraq remained a silent witness to this and leaned towards USA . USA praposed a deal of civilian usage of nuclear energy and India welcomed it with a open heart. Experts suggest that the two countries victimised by terror outfits realised that it is time to shake hands and come closer.
In return India remained silent on USA's stand on imposing restrictions on Iran on developnig nuclear arsenals.

This is a time when neither George W bush is in power nor Saddam Hussien is alive.
India is visiting a swift change in its foriegn policy. Bin Laden is there but Obama administration has deleted the "WAR ON TERROR" term from the dictionary of white house govt. India and USA are coming closer and global recession of 2008 is slowly getting weak.

And in this scenario we may see new friends and new foriegn policies in India, USA and in middle east. God knows who will be on more benfitting side in buisness of war and religion.

Written by Ratnesh Dwivedi on 10.07.2009 at 5:00 PM.

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