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Friday, July 17, 2009


India and Pakistan are on clear confrontation with each other sice Mumbai terrorist attacks.India claims and true it is that Mumbai terror attackes was planned in Pakistan and attackers were trained inside the Pak border. Hafiz Saeed the Jamat -ud -dawa chief is at large in Pak and India claims and give evidences of his being master mind of 26/11.

Non Aligned Movement once founded by India, Egypt and Turky on the peak of cold war to remain distant with either of the super powers has given a platform to Indian and Pakistani prmiers to come together to think on bilateral relations. The Egypt edition of NAM in which both the sides diluted thier stands is an ice breaking step. Pakistan this time has hidend the Kashmir issue while India only mentioned about the Pakistani action on Mumbai acuused. Indian Prime minister would be in Delhi when I am writing these lines.

History of India Pakistan relation has been a saga of truth, accusation, ifiltration,terrorism,occupation and betrayel.So for India and Pakistan has come in clear confrontation that lead to a war for four times. But there has been remarkable steps as well to restrengthen relation between the two neighbours.


On the strategic will of British rule and Mohammad Ali Zinnah Pakistan came in existence in 1947 and couple of months later Pakistan infiltrated pashtun tribes with the help of Pakistani army in the Kashmir. The then Maharaja of Kashmir Hari Singh seeked Indian help to fight out infiltration and India asked to sign an accord to be integral part of India. Seeing no way to escape Hari Singh signed the deal and in return Indian troops defeated Pakistani infiltration.

In 1965 under the leadership of Lal Bahadur Shashtri India fought another war with Pakistan and Indian army reached as close as up to 18 kms to lahore. USSR mediated in to it and a ceasefire agreement was signed in Tashkant. Expert say that Lal Bahadur Shastri could not succumb to international pressure and died of heart attack.

1971 saw another war between India and Pakistan on both sides of border, when Shieks Mujjebur Rehman seeked Indian help to liberate East Pakisatn from the traumatic leadership of integral Pakistan. India's then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi helped Bangla desh Mukti vahini and succeded to liberate Bangla desh. The war fought along eastern and western borders.

Between 1972 and 1999 there has been many issues including that of terrorism and Kashmir which lead India and Pakistan to a clear confrontation.
In 1999 we saw kargil war in the back drop of Lahore talks.
And most recentlly 26/11 happened which was again a cowardish act by Pakistan based militant groups in the line of many other attackes in Indian cities.

BETTER MOMENTS........Despite many turbulences and confrontations, full scale war and war like situations there has been moments when India and Pakistan sat together for betterment of relations and friendly ties.

Simla Agreement 1972.. First time India and Pakistan came together under prmiership of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Indira Gandhi. Issues like itrusion and Kashmir were discussed and Simla pact was signed.

In the 1988 Then prime ministers of India and Pakistan, Rajiv and Benazir talked about not inturrupting the nuclear programmes of any country.

1998, visited Lahore talks when Indian prime minister Mr Vajpayee and Nawaj Sharif talked about opening diplomatic relations , starting a bus service and kashmir issue.

In 2003 again Vajpayee and Musharraf came together in Agra summit which was another ice breaking step after Kargil war.

So the history of Indo Pak relation has been a story of magical and miserable moments . It also has been story of trust and betray. India has always welcomed Pakistan for talks but not on the conditions of Internationalization the Kashmir issue. On the other hand Pakistan always has tried US interference in Kashmir dispute.

For the first time US President Barack Obama is unwilling to interfere in the bilateral talks and wish that the issue is actually an internal matter of India and Pakistan.

Again India and Pakistan are coming close and we have to see if a new chapter of friendship and warmth will be written or it would one more step towards false promises and assurance and betrayel. Two good neighbours are sharing the one grilling pain of terrorism or two old enemies are sharpening thier weapon to stab eachother, whether two emerging economies of south asia wish to talk thier domestics problem in the time of recession or two economies are troubling the common public by imposing disturbences,terrorism and war or war like situation.

World is watching thru international media what is going to happen next in south asian relations.A history written by ink of friendship and trust or a chapter unfolding another war between two nuclear state.

Let us watch.........................

Written by Ratnesh Dwivedi on 17/07/09 at 5:30 PM


Good Morning,

Yesterday, Judge Sonia Sotomayor made her opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee and moved another step closer to taking a seat on the United States Supreme Court.

As President, there are few responsibilities more serious or consequential than the naming of a Supreme Court Justice, so I want to take this opportunity to tell you about the qualifications and character that informed my decision to nominate Judge Sotomayor.

Judge Sotomayor's brilliant legal mind is complemented by the practical lessons that can only be learned by applying the law to real world situations.

In the coming days, the hearings will cover an incredible body of work from a judge who has more experience on the federal bench than any incoming Supreme Court Justice in the last 100 years. Judge Sotomayor's professional background spans our judicial system — from her time as a big-city prosecutor and a corporate litigator, to her work as a federal trial judge on the U.S. District Court, and an appellate judge on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.

And then there is Judge Sotomayor's incredible personal story. She grew up in a housing project in the South Bronx — her parents coming to New York from Puerto Rico during the Second World War. At the age of nine, she lost her father, and her mother worked six days a week just to put food on the table. It takes a certain resilience and determination to rise up out of such circumstances, focus, work hard and achieve the American dream.

This character shined through in yesterday's opening statement: Watch the video.

In Judge Sotomayor, our nation will have a Justice who will never forget her humble beginnings, will always apply the rule of law, and will be a protector of the Constitution that made her American dream and the dreams of millions of others possible. As she said so clearly yesterday, Judge Sotomayor's decisions on the bench "have been made not to serve the interests of any one litigant, but always to serve the larger interest of impartial justice."

In anticipation of today's first round of questioning, I hope you'll share this email widely, because Judge Sotomayor's confirmation is something that affects every American. It's important for these hearings to be about Judge Sotomayor's own record and her capacity for the job — not any political back and forth that some in Washington may use to distract you. What members of the Judiciary Committee, and the American people, will see today is a sharp and fearless jurist who does not let powerful interests bully her into breaking from the rule of law.

Thank you,
Barack Obama

This email was sent to
The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · 202-456-1111

Friday, July 10, 2009


Dear All,
We are living in the unipolar world. After the division of former Soviet Union and its decline to a troubled economy the world intended to lean towards the other super power, United States of America. Unlikly the scenario emerged out after second world war, when world was divided in communist and capitalist blocks,this time large number of countries started leaning towards United States of America.The countries like France, Germany and Italy who were in the group of Axis countries and fought against USA leaned towards America.

USA not only helped these countries to restrengthen economy but it also helped to smaller countries in Africa. And in return ,we all know CIA sought its own interest in these countries.CIA reshuffled the govts and helped favourable governments to come in power.USA also selected its power centers in middle east by supporting the countries like UAE,Saudi Arabia and Jordan. It also helped Israel to fight against Palestine and its so called terror organisation Hamas. In Afghanistan USA initially helped Taliban to fight out USSR army and succeeded.

This is the first half of the story before division of USSR.In due course and during regime of Senior Bush USA realised that its goal has been achieved in Afganistan,but the taliban now is asking its own pound of flesh and thus to rule in Afganistan.A second threat which USA has had to face in coming years was threat of Al qaeda. An organisation created on fanatic Islamic ideology.

Now its essantial to know the ideology and origin of Bin Laden. Ladens (that includes ancesstors of Bin Osama Laden) were rich buisnessman and liasionists in western coast of USA .Not only this but ladens were well connected with royal family of Saudi Arabia and were having growing buisness with them in oil buisness and real estate.The younger member of Laden family Osama Bin Laden had a keen tendency towards a rather rigid sect of Islam that is called Wahabism. The Wahabis restricts so many common tradition of Islaam that it becomes difficult for every day living. These Wahabis are supported by Sauds.The liberal Islamic world and countries which were pro America did not like it but it is studied that religious leaders of these countries supported Osama to work on his ideology.

This was the birth of Al qaeda.

Saddam Hussien was a dictator at large and has ruled Iraq for decades and has opposed USA for its claim on hidden biological weapon.

Septembe 11 attacks on world trade center made America realise that it is actually on the thresold of clear confrontation and target of once shelterd Laden. Now President bush came up with a new terminology of "WAR ON TERROR" to fight against these evil forcess and extend its fight beyond American boundries. In due course of time America claimed that Iraq not only had weapons of mass destruction but also had a link with Laden and Al qaeda.

So Bush administration along with its old enemies and new friends launched a heavy war fare in Iraq and this time unlikly his father Bush not only won the war but captured and hanged Saddam Hussien.

India, which was one time friend with Iraq remained a silent witness to this and leaned towards USA . USA praposed a deal of civilian usage of nuclear energy and India welcomed it with a open heart. Experts suggest that the two countries victimised by terror outfits realised that it is time to shake hands and come closer.
In return India remained silent on USA's stand on imposing restrictions on Iran on developnig nuclear arsenals.

This is a time when neither George W bush is in power nor Saddam Hussien is alive.
India is visiting a swift change in its foriegn policy. Bin Laden is there but Obama administration has deleted the "WAR ON TERROR" term from the dictionary of white house govt. India and USA are coming closer and global recession of 2008 is slowly getting weak.

And in this scenario we may see new friends and new foriegn policies in India, USA and in middle east. God knows who will be on more benfitting side in buisness of war and religion.

Written by Ratnesh Dwivedi on 10.07.2009 at 5:00 PM.


As the President's advisor on Homeland Security, I am passing along the following message from Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, who are leading the efforts to prepare our Nation for the coming flu season.

Fellow Americans,

This spring we were confronted with an outbreak of a troubling flu virus called 2009-H1N1. As the fall flu season approaches, it is critical that we reinvigorate our preparedness efforts across the country in order to mitigate the effects of this virus on our communities.

Today, we are holding an H1N1 Influenza Preparedness Summit in conjunction with the White House to discuss our Nation's preparedness. We are working together to monitor the spread of 2009-H1N1 and to prepare to initiate a voluntary fall vaccination program against the 2009-H1N1 flu virus, assuming we have a safe vaccine and do not see changes in the virus that would render the vaccine ineffective.

But the most critical steps to mitigating the effects of 2009-H1N1 won't take place in Washington — they will take place in your homes, schools and community businesses.

Taking precautions for this fall's flu season is a responsibility we all share. Visit to make sure you are ready and learn how you can help promote public awareness.

We are making every effort to have a safe and effective vaccine available for distribution as soon as possible, but our current estimate is that it won't be ready before mid-October. This makes individual prevention even more critical. Wash your hands regularly. Take the necessary precautions to stay healthy and if you do get sick, stay home from work or school.

We are doing everything possible to prepare for the fall flu season and encourage all Americans to do the same — this is a shared responsibility and now is the time to prepare. Please visit to learn what steps you can take to prepare and do your part to mitigate the effects of H1N1.

Take Care,
Kathleen, Janet and Arne

This email was sent to
The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111