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Friday, July 17, 2009


India and Pakistan are on clear confrontation with each other sice Mumbai terrorist attacks.India claims and true it is that Mumbai terror attackes was planned in Pakistan and attackers were trained inside the Pak border. Hafiz Saeed the Jamat -ud -dawa chief is at large in Pak and India claims and give evidences of his being master mind of 26/11.

Non Aligned Movement once founded by India, Egypt and Turky on the peak of cold war to remain distant with either of the super powers has given a platform to Indian and Pakistani prmiers to come together to think on bilateral relations. The Egypt edition of NAM in which both the sides diluted thier stands is an ice breaking step. Pakistan this time has hidend the Kashmir issue while India only mentioned about the Pakistani action on Mumbai acuused. Indian Prime minister would be in Delhi when I am writing these lines.

History of India Pakistan relation has been a saga of truth, accusation, ifiltration,terrorism,occupation and betrayel.So for India and Pakistan has come in clear confrontation that lead to a war for four times. But there has been remarkable steps as well to restrengthen relation between the two neighbours.


On the strategic will of British rule and Mohammad Ali Zinnah Pakistan came in existence in 1947 and couple of months later Pakistan infiltrated pashtun tribes with the help of Pakistani army in the Kashmir. The then Maharaja of Kashmir Hari Singh seeked Indian help to fight out infiltration and India asked to sign an accord to be integral part of India. Seeing no way to escape Hari Singh signed the deal and in return Indian troops defeated Pakistani infiltration.

In 1965 under the leadership of Lal Bahadur Shashtri India fought another war with Pakistan and Indian army reached as close as up to 18 kms to lahore. USSR mediated in to it and a ceasefire agreement was signed in Tashkant. Expert say that Lal Bahadur Shastri could not succumb to international pressure and died of heart attack.

1971 saw another war between India and Pakistan on both sides of border, when Shieks Mujjebur Rehman seeked Indian help to liberate East Pakisatn from the traumatic leadership of integral Pakistan. India's then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi helped Bangla desh Mukti vahini and succeded to liberate Bangla desh. The war fought along eastern and western borders.

Between 1972 and 1999 there has been many issues including that of terrorism and Kashmir which lead India and Pakistan to a clear confrontation.
In 1999 we saw kargil war in the back drop of Lahore talks.
And most recentlly 26/11 happened which was again a cowardish act by Pakistan based militant groups in the line of many other attackes in Indian cities.

BETTER MOMENTS........Despite many turbulences and confrontations, full scale war and war like situations there has been moments when India and Pakistan sat together for betterment of relations and friendly ties.

Simla Agreement 1972.. First time India and Pakistan came together under prmiership of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Indira Gandhi. Issues like itrusion and Kashmir were discussed and Simla pact was signed.

In the 1988 Then prime ministers of India and Pakistan, Rajiv and Benazir talked about not inturrupting the nuclear programmes of any country.

1998, visited Lahore talks when Indian prime minister Mr Vajpayee and Nawaj Sharif talked about opening diplomatic relations , starting a bus service and kashmir issue.

In 2003 again Vajpayee and Musharraf came together in Agra summit which was another ice breaking step after Kargil war.

So the history of Indo Pak relation has been a story of magical and miserable moments . It also has been story of trust and betray. India has always welcomed Pakistan for talks but not on the conditions of Internationalization the Kashmir issue. On the other hand Pakistan always has tried US interference in Kashmir dispute.

For the first time US President Barack Obama is unwilling to interfere in the bilateral talks and wish that the issue is actually an internal matter of India and Pakistan.

Again India and Pakistan are coming close and we have to see if a new chapter of friendship and warmth will be written or it would one more step towards false promises and assurance and betrayel. Two good neighbours are sharing the one grilling pain of terrorism or two old enemies are sharpening thier weapon to stab eachother, whether two emerging economies of south asia wish to talk thier domestics problem in the time of recession or two economies are troubling the common public by imposing disturbences,terrorism and war or war like situation.

World is watching thru international media what is going to happen next in south asian relations.A history written by ink of friendship and trust or a chapter unfolding another war between two nuclear state.

Let us watch.........................

Written by Ratnesh Dwivedi on 17/07/09 at 5:30 PM


Good Morning,

Yesterday, Judge Sonia Sotomayor made her opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee and moved another step closer to taking a seat on the United States Supreme Court.

As President, there are few responsibilities more serious or consequential than the naming of a Supreme Court Justice, so I want to take this opportunity to tell you about the qualifications and character that informed my decision to nominate Judge Sotomayor.

Judge Sotomayor's brilliant legal mind is complemented by the practical lessons that can only be learned by applying the law to real world situations.

In the coming days, the hearings will cover an incredible body of work from a judge who has more experience on the federal bench than any incoming Supreme Court Justice in the last 100 years. Judge Sotomayor's professional background spans our judicial system — from her time as a big-city prosecutor and a corporate litigator, to her work as a federal trial judge on the U.S. District Court, and an appellate judge on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.

And then there is Judge Sotomayor's incredible personal story. She grew up in a housing project in the South Bronx — her parents coming to New York from Puerto Rico during the Second World War. At the age of nine, she lost her father, and her mother worked six days a week just to put food on the table. It takes a certain resilience and determination to rise up out of such circumstances, focus, work hard and achieve the American dream.

This character shined through in yesterday's opening statement: Watch the video.

In Judge Sotomayor, our nation will have a Justice who will never forget her humble beginnings, will always apply the rule of law, and will be a protector of the Constitution that made her American dream and the dreams of millions of others possible. As she said so clearly yesterday, Judge Sotomayor's decisions on the bench "have been made not to serve the interests of any one litigant, but always to serve the larger interest of impartial justice."

In anticipation of today's first round of questioning, I hope you'll share this email widely, because Judge Sotomayor's confirmation is something that affects every American. It's important for these hearings to be about Judge Sotomayor's own record and her capacity for the job — not any political back and forth that some in Washington may use to distract you. What members of the Judiciary Committee, and the American people, will see today is a sharp and fearless jurist who does not let powerful interests bully her into breaking from the rule of law.

Thank you,
Barack Obama

This email was sent to
The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · 202-456-1111

Friday, July 10, 2009


Dear All,
We are living in the unipolar world. After the division of former Soviet Union and its decline to a troubled economy the world intended to lean towards the other super power, United States of America. Unlikly the scenario emerged out after second world war, when world was divided in communist and capitalist blocks,this time large number of countries started leaning towards United States of America.The countries like France, Germany and Italy who were in the group of Axis countries and fought against USA leaned towards America.

USA not only helped these countries to restrengthen economy but it also helped to smaller countries in Africa. And in return ,we all know CIA sought its own interest in these countries.CIA reshuffled the govts and helped favourable governments to come in power.USA also selected its power centers in middle east by supporting the countries like UAE,Saudi Arabia and Jordan. It also helped Israel to fight against Palestine and its so called terror organisation Hamas. In Afghanistan USA initially helped Taliban to fight out USSR army and succeeded.

This is the first half of the story before division of USSR.In due course and during regime of Senior Bush USA realised that its goal has been achieved in Afganistan,but the taliban now is asking its own pound of flesh and thus to rule in Afganistan.A second threat which USA has had to face in coming years was threat of Al qaeda. An organisation created on fanatic Islamic ideology.

Now its essantial to know the ideology and origin of Bin Laden. Ladens (that includes ancesstors of Bin Osama Laden) were rich buisnessman and liasionists in western coast of USA .Not only this but ladens were well connected with royal family of Saudi Arabia and were having growing buisness with them in oil buisness and real estate.The younger member of Laden family Osama Bin Laden had a keen tendency towards a rather rigid sect of Islam that is called Wahabism. The Wahabis restricts so many common tradition of Islaam that it becomes difficult for every day living. These Wahabis are supported by Sauds.The liberal Islamic world and countries which were pro America did not like it but it is studied that religious leaders of these countries supported Osama to work on his ideology.

This was the birth of Al qaeda.

Saddam Hussien was a dictator at large and has ruled Iraq for decades and has opposed USA for its claim on hidden biological weapon.

Septembe 11 attacks on world trade center made America realise that it is actually on the thresold of clear confrontation and target of once shelterd Laden. Now President bush came up with a new terminology of "WAR ON TERROR" to fight against these evil forcess and extend its fight beyond American boundries. In due course of time America claimed that Iraq not only had weapons of mass destruction but also had a link with Laden and Al qaeda.

So Bush administration along with its old enemies and new friends launched a heavy war fare in Iraq and this time unlikly his father Bush not only won the war but captured and hanged Saddam Hussien.

India, which was one time friend with Iraq remained a silent witness to this and leaned towards USA . USA praposed a deal of civilian usage of nuclear energy and India welcomed it with a open heart. Experts suggest that the two countries victimised by terror outfits realised that it is time to shake hands and come closer.
In return India remained silent on USA's stand on imposing restrictions on Iran on developnig nuclear arsenals.

This is a time when neither George W bush is in power nor Saddam Hussien is alive.
India is visiting a swift change in its foriegn policy. Bin Laden is there but Obama administration has deleted the "WAR ON TERROR" term from the dictionary of white house govt. India and USA are coming closer and global recession of 2008 is slowly getting weak.

And in this scenario we may see new friends and new foriegn policies in India, USA and in middle east. God knows who will be on more benfitting side in buisness of war and religion.

Written by Ratnesh Dwivedi on 10.07.2009 at 5:00 PM.


As the President's advisor on Homeland Security, I am passing along the following message from Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, who are leading the efforts to prepare our Nation for the coming flu season.

Fellow Americans,

This spring we were confronted with an outbreak of a troubling flu virus called 2009-H1N1. As the fall flu season approaches, it is critical that we reinvigorate our preparedness efforts across the country in order to mitigate the effects of this virus on our communities.

Today, we are holding an H1N1 Influenza Preparedness Summit in conjunction with the White House to discuss our Nation's preparedness. We are working together to monitor the spread of 2009-H1N1 and to prepare to initiate a voluntary fall vaccination program against the 2009-H1N1 flu virus, assuming we have a safe vaccine and do not see changes in the virus that would render the vaccine ineffective.

But the most critical steps to mitigating the effects of 2009-H1N1 won't take place in Washington — they will take place in your homes, schools and community businesses.

Taking precautions for this fall's flu season is a responsibility we all share. Visit to make sure you are ready and learn how you can help promote public awareness.

We are making every effort to have a safe and effective vaccine available for distribution as soon as possible, but our current estimate is that it won't be ready before mid-October. This makes individual prevention even more critical. Wash your hands regularly. Take the necessary precautions to stay healthy and if you do get sick, stay home from work or school.

We are doing everything possible to prepare for the fall flu season and encourage all Americans to do the same — this is a shared responsibility and now is the time to prepare. Please visit to learn what steps you can take to prepare and do your part to mitigate the effects of H1N1.

Take Care,
Kathleen, Janet and Arne

This email was sent to
The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111

Monday, June 29, 2009


Hi All,
President Obama is a great orator. We all know this fact. But his men also delievers good speech and have sound knowledge of President Obama's policies. Mr Dawson a Princeton University academician who mentored Michelle Obama during her academic years spent in Princeton impressed with his thoughts to hundred of individual here Amity University today. I as faculty member of Amity School of Communications when asked the policies of White House Govt on War On Terror was softly remained unanswered as he said that he was not an official spokes person of white house govt. Though he impressed to us by his virtue soft attitude and answers on Mr and Mrs Obama's life.He recounted his days when Mrs. Obama approached him on a thesis and Mr Obama's poll campaign which he managed in many states where blacks were less in population.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Hi All,
When I am writing this message ,I do not know whether its right or wrong to write that everything has stopped for Michael's milions of fans acroos the globe. Michael has left a not ending legacy behind him. Its true that Michael has visted an unprecedented success from bottom level of life to top.He was not only an iconic figure but a household name across the rural and urban, poor and rich ,youth and aged population across world.

His death as was his rise came as shock. Now his body is postmortemed twice and investigative authorities are looking for clues behind his death. Reason whatsoever is but truth is that Michael Jackson was having a troubled life for years. Be it his involvement it sodomy cases or hanging his child in balcony, he had been centre of controversies which darkened his life. He overcame with all these odds but his habbit to consume painkillers and banned drugs lead him an end at the age of fifty.

The sensation of Michael would live for ever and his fans will not forget his presence all through his life. He would remain as a legend of post 20th centuary and no one would be able to fill the gap he left behind.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Dear Friend,

Last week, I announced United We Serve – a nationwide call to service challenging you and all Americans to volunteer this summer and be part of building a new foundation for America.

And when I say “all,” I mean everyone – young and old, from every background, all across the country. We need individuals, community organizations, corporations, foundations, and our government to be part of this effort.

Today, for the official kick off of United We Serve, members of my administration have fanned out across America to participate in service events and encourage all Americans to join them.

The First Lady is rolling up her sleeves and getting to work too. But before she headed out today, she asked me to share this message with you.

Our nation faces some of the greatest challenges it has in generations and we know it’s going to take a lot of hard work to get us back on track.

While Michelle and I are calling on every American to participate in United We Serve, the call to service doesn’t end this fall. We need to stay involved in our towns and communities for a long time to come. After all, America’s new foundation will be built one neighborhood at a time – and that starts with you.

Thank you,
President Barack Obama

This email was sent to

The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · 202-456-1111


Happy Father's Day,

I’m writing to share a special video of Barack talking about fatherhood, but first I want to share some thoughts of my own.

My father, Frasier Robinson, was the rock of our family. Although he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in his early thirties, he was our provider, our champion and our hero.

He worked tirelessly through good days and bad to make sure my brother and I had every opportunity he didn't -- to go to college and pursue our dreams. His example continues to guide me every day.

Barack didn't have my good fortune -- his father left when he was just two years old. But he has always been determined to give our daughters what he never had, and he values being a good father more than any other accomplishment in his life.

On Friday, Barack brought some men (and a bunch of kids!) to the White House to talk about fatherhood.

We all know the remarkable impact fathers can have in our children's lives. So today, on this 100th anniversary of Father's Day, take a moment to celebrate responsible fatherhood and the men who've had the courage to step up, be there for our families, and provide our children with the guidance, love and support they need to fulfill their dreams.


This email was sent to

The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111

Friday, June 19, 2009


There is a change in international relations. A change which may remain in world order for a long. We all have observed speech of president Obama which he delieverd in Cairo and Saudi Arabia.That clearly indicates that Obama administration has decided to give a heeling touch to muslim world. A TV reprter expressed her view that word's like "war on terror " now does not exist in the dictionary of white house govt.Obama administration has overshadowed the policies of Bush Administration.Initially Obama is trying to impose that he wish to establish good relation with coutries like Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.His focus is now north korea which is as par Obama adminstration is eager to attack on USA's interest.
This is just one glimpse of Obama's foriegn policy.

Iran was a enemy no.1 for Bush administration but now Iran itself is suffering with political trouble. Mehmod Ahmedinezad who was a terrorist in the eyes of Bush Admin has emerged the winner in Iranian General election. But his opponents like Mussavi who is supprted by Ex President of Iran , Khatami and religious leader Ayatollah khamnei has declared the Iranian poll a fraud. Public has come out on streets in large numbers to oppse Ahmedinezad and for a fresh election.

We may presume that the meeting of Indian prime minister Dr Man Mohan Singh and Pakistani president Mr Zardari would open a new avenue for Indo Pak relation. Though Dr Man Mohan Singh has openly directed his views over the issue of terrorism and use of pakistani soil by terrorists . A quick reaction has come by Pakistani side that they disagree with the views of Indian Prime Minister.

The policies and political atmosphere is changing in the countries which may determine the world political order in due course of time.


Homeland Security and Counterterrorism

•After a comprehensive review, the President announced a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan that will help defeat Al Qaeda.
•Almost immediately after coming into office, the Administration successfully managed several natural disasters, including severe winter ice storms and flooding in several states.
•Announced a new U.S.-Mexico border initiative.
•Concluded cyberspace policy review.
Guiding Principles
The President’s highest priority is to keep the American people safe. He is committed to ensuring the United States is true to our values and ideals while also protecting the American people. The President is committed to securing the homeland against 21st century threats by preventing terrorist attacks and other threats against our homeland, preparing and planning for emergencies, and investing in strong response and recovery capabilities. We will help ensure that the Federal Government works with states and local governments, and the private sector as close partners in a national approach to prevention, mitigation, and response.

Defeat Terrorism Worldwide
Administration also intends to provide $5 billion in assistance through the Shared Security Partnership over the next several years to enhance the ability of our partners to improve their own security and work with us to defeat terrorism worldwide.

Strengthen Our Bio and Nuclear Security
Attacks using improvised nuclear devices or biological weapons, as well as outbreaks of a pandemic disease, pose a serious and increasing national security risk, We will focus on reducing the risk of these high-consequence, nontraditional threats:

•Ensuring that decision-makers have the tools they need to manage disease outbreaks by linking health care providers, hospitals, and public health agencies. By building on America's unparalleled talent and through international partnerships, we can create new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic tests, and manufacture them more quickly and efficiently.
•Strengthening our nuclear security by enhancing our nuclear detection architecture and ensuring that our own nuclear materials are secure. By establishing well-planned, well-rehearsed, plans for coordinated response, we will also ensure a capability that can dramatically diminish the consequences of chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incidents.
Improve Intelligence Capacity and Information Sharing
Gathering, analyzing, and effectively sharing intelligence is vital to the security of the United States. In order to prevent threats, including those from terrorism, we will strengthen intelligence collection to identify and interdict those who intend to do us harm. The information we collect must be analyzed as well as shared, and we must invest in our analytic capabilities and our capacity to share intelligence across all levels of government. As we grow our intelligence capabilities, the President is also committed to strengthening efforts to protect the privacy and civil rights of all Americans.

Ensuring a Secure Global Digital Information and Communications Infrastructure
The United States is an increasingly digital nation where the strength and vitality of our economy, infrastructure, public safety, and national security have been built on the foundation of cyberspace. Despite all of our efforts, our global digital infrastructure, based largely upon the Internet, is not secure or resilient enough today and future purposes. Effectively protecting cyberspace requires strong vision and leadership and will require changes in policy, technology, education, and perhaps law.

•Soon after taking office, the President called for a comprehensive review of the security and resiliency of the global digital infrastructure, a top priority in his administration.
•By harnessing the efforts of all parts of the U.S. Government in partnership with academia, the private sector, the civil liberties community, international partners, the Congress and state and local governments, the United States will continue to innovate and adopt cutting edge technology, while enhancing national security and the global economy.
Promote the Resiliency of our Physical and Social Infrastructure
Ensuring the resilience of our critical infrastructure is vital to homeland security. Working with the private sector and government partners at all levels will develop an effective, holistic, critical infrastructure protection and resiliency plan that centers on invest¬ments in business, technology, civil society, government, and education. We will invest in our Nation's most pressing short and long-term infrastructure needs, including modernizing our electrical grid; upgrading our highway, rail, maritime, and aviation infrastructure; enhancing security within our chemical and nuclear sectors; and safeguarding the public transportation systems that Americans use every day.

Pursue Comprehensive Transborder Security
To address transnational threats effectively, we must take a comprehensive approach to securing our borders, including working with international partners, state and local governments, and the private sector. The President supports efforts to develop and deploy technology to maximize port security without causing economic disruption, and enhancing the security of key transportation networks—including surface, air, and maritime networks—that connect our nation and the world. However, we must also work to address issues such as immigration that are directly related to our ability to effectively secure our borders.

Ensure Effective Incident Management
The Obama Administration has already effectively managed several domestic events, including severe winter ice storms throughout the Midwest and record flooding in North Dakota and Minnesota. Our goal is to improve coordination and to actively listen to the concerns and priorities at all levels of government. In doing so, we can create better evacuation planning guidelines, increase medical surge capacity, and increase Federal resources and logistics to better support local emergency planning efforts. Additionally, we will develop detailed interagency contingency plans for high-risk attack and disaster scenarios and test these plans through realistic exercises. Finally, we support efforts to provide greater technical assistance to local and state first responders and dramatically increase funding for reliable, interoperable communications systems

Friday, June 12, 2009


Hi there,
Today when Iran is going for poll its quite obvious to discuss about Iran's relation with the west and specially with USA. Mehmood Ahmedinezad ,the current premier of Iran does have a lot of venom against Ex President of US George W Bush and his policies. He is the first President of Iran who does not have any religious post with him. His anger against Israel and USA is well understood by the leaders in Iran. Ayatullah Khomainis are still the highest religious figure in Iran and takes significant decisions.

Four years back I recieved a letter from a girl student of Iran. Her name is Narges Hamid alias Misha. She was willing to understand some complications of space science and NASA. I with whatever knowledge has about space science told her the minute things of it. Later I asked her about the freedom given to females in Iran and if she is satisfied with her status. The story which came out was not very fascinating. She was unhappy with her family and politician in Iran. She was willing to study but was restricted by her family members. They even pressurised her to get married early.
Now I do not know here where abouts but wish and hope she is in her good gesture.

Last night I was watching a report on CNN.The reporter was none other than our christiane Amanpour. She has been filing reports for so many years and has masterd the art of analysing the exact situation in troubled areas. Its a plesant task to see her reporting and this time she was reporting from Tehran.Iranian capital.

We have seen her interviewing so many political leaders of europe before USA's strike over Iraq . She is a fearless lady and never get biased.

So , what ever would be the outcome of Iranian poll, we hope that Iran will think over its hidden agenda of developnig nuclear weapon . And in the situation when president Obama has assured Muslim world not to go for a war against Islam, we may hope a new Iran would emerge out.

And Misha would get her rights of education and social freedom..............

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Honourable President and Mr Advisor,

I have some different thought. In his entire speech what appears as Mr President is getting frightend up with the extremist and fundamentalist world. He is fearfull ,I do not know whether he feel a threat over his lifer or it is just a practice when he is visiting some of Muslim coutries. The countries who once has been in the black list of USA, under whch so ever party was in power in America.

Perhaps Mr President's this excercise, may suceed him to please muslim world but Mr Obama is forgetting that similar excercises has been practised by his predecessors in countries like Afghanistan and Iran. And result was something which none of the USA President ever expected. The birth of Al Qaeda and Taliban.

This time too ,may be for a short term Obama may get success in pleasing the muslim world but its hard truth that his this very speech which he delieverd amidst some of the fundamentalist Muslim leaders will compeletly be unable to dilute the extent of terrorism and threat over USA. Osama ,on the very same day released a footage which expreesd his venom against Obama and USA.

President has have to understand that the countries in which he is delevring his so called historical speech has been shelter of Osama and other terror out fit.

If he really wants to get rid off with the Terrorism and Al Qaeda he rtequires to leave his double standerd and go for a decisive action against Jehadis, fundamentalist Muslima and outfits like Al Qaeda making it sure the safety of peaceloving Muslims across the world.


Ratnesh Dwivedi

(who has submitted more than 1000 suggestion to white house govt)


Hello -

As a Senior Advisor to the President, I'm here in Cairo, Egypt where I watched President Obama deliver an unprecedented speech calling for a new beginning for the United States and Muslim communities around the world.

We all know that there has been tension between the United States and some Muslim communities. But, as the President said this morning, if all sides face the sources of tension squarely and focus on mutual interests, we can find a new way forward.

The President outlined some big goals for this new beginning in his speech -- including disrupting, dismantling, and defeating violent extremism. It was a historic speech, and since many Americans were asleep at the time it was given we wanted to make sure you had a chance to see it:

Majority-Muslim countries around the world are filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives, just as in America. Indeed, part of what makes America great is having nearly seven million Muslim Americans living here today and enriching our culture and communities.

We can extend that kind of relationship abroad. It won't always be easy, but if we make an effort to bridge our differences rather than resigning ourselves to animosity, we can move toward a more peaceful world over time.

Thank you,
David Axelrod
Senior Advisor to the President

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Hi there,

Whenever I use to make a call to one of my good friend in Saudi Arabia,he finds himself resless. No, he never gets irritated with my calls but the reason is altogether different. I generally ring around 10:00 PM which is 8:00 PM in Riyadh. This is the time when he use to go for Namaz.If in any circumstances he miss it ,He would get punished for this crime. This is the reason for his worry. If you miss the prayer you will get punished for this. This is aan approach which is followed by most of fundamentalist Muslim countries. This is true that my friend do not desire to go for Namaz but to stay in his apartment and do some official work. But then there is fear factor...............
For ages Islam has been followed by many because its fearful approach. If we exceed further then we have Taliban and Al Qaeda.The more darker face of Islam.
My query is whether we can imagine the similar approach in other religions. Perhaps not.
Then why only Islam...............
We should get rid off with these obligations.This is the advice I am sending to my friend in Riyadh.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


When the safest and most reliable ship Titanic sank on its way from England to USA almost 100 years ago, It was Atlantic who took away the life of thousands of passangers on board. No relief,No help and No signal could reach to the captain of Titanic. People were helpless and met to death succumbing to the freezing water of Atlantic.

On 1st of june when the pilot crew of Air France -447, took off from Rio -De- jenario airport of Brazilian capital,they did not know that the lives of 228 people ,whom they were commanding will meet to a disasterous fate. A few hrs. later,high above the Atlantic ocean a different adventure was waiting for them. Many times when they would have flew above Atlantic thy witnessed the same adventure,but destiny had decided to write a dark chapter this time.

They lost the way,they lost the command over thousands of tiny and big maschines, a mannual error, a computer mistake ,a sudden collapse with a flying bird............No body knows. But for hrs and hrs there was no signal on both sides of Atlantic.Neither at Rio nor at Charles -de-gaule airport in france. Television Channel across the globe started broadcasting a possible catestrophe in air.
Human kind has visited another defeat by destiny.

24 hrs later when I am writing this blog, the only thing which I am thinking that its another Titanic tragedy again in Atlantic. We have to pray for the lives of 228 passangers and crew members who lost thier lives deep in Atlantic ocean.


Friday, May 29, 2009


The two names are common in many sense. Both are politician,both are ladies and both are talk of center in the political circle of two nations.Sonia Sotomayor and Sonia Gandhi are two names who are making rounds in world's two largest democracies.One has been choosen by the Top political figure of a country and the other has choosen the top political leader of another country. This is the difference. Sonia Sotomayor has been choosen by President Barack Obama as supreme court's chief judge and Sonia Gandhi has choosen Dr Man Mohan Singh as country's PM.

President Obama is very selective and choosing his team in a very systamatic fashion on the basis of ability and wisdom and not on the basis of cast, religion and racial identity.

We will see few more nomination in coming days.

On the other hand Team Man Mohan has been selected with new and experienced faces.
The two largest democracies and now friend on foriegn policy are visiting a new era of political governance.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Interview with Anita Pratap
Sunday Magazine, India 11-17 March 1984

Q: What made you opt out of a conventional system and spearhead a liberation movement which you knew would be outlawed?

A: The democratic parliamentary system, or what you refer to as the conventional political system in Sri Lanka, has always tried to impose the will of the majority on the minority. This system not only failed to solve the basic problems of our people but, in fact, aggravated our plight. For decades, the repression by the state has made the life of our people miserable. The non-violent democratic struggles of our people were met with military repression. Our just demands were totally ignored, and the oppression continued on such a scale as to threaten the very survival of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. It was these circumstances which led me to form our liberation movement. I felt that an armed struggle was the only alternative left to our people, not only to ensure our survival but ultimately to free' our selves from the Sinhala oppression. I have always been aware that our movement would be outlawed. It is for this reason that we organised our movement as a clandestine under ground structure from its inception.

Q: Could you elaborate on some of your personal experiences that compelled you to believe that an armed struggle was the only solution for the Tamils of Sri Lanka? Were you, your family members and friends, directly victimised by the discriminatory policy of the Sri Lankan government?

A: The shocking events of the 1958 racial riots had a profound impact on me when I was a schoolboy. I heard of horrifying incidents of how our people had been mercilessly and brutally put to death by Sinhala racists. Once I met a widowed mother, a friend of my family, who related to me her agonising personal experience of this racial holocaust. During the riots a Sinhala mob attacked her house in Colombo. The rioters set fire to the house and murdered her husband. She and her children escaped with severe burn injuries. I was deeply shocked when I saw the scars on her body. I also heard stories of how young babies were roasted alive in boiling tar. When I heard such stories of cruelty I felt a deep sense of sympathy and love for my people. A great passion overwhelmed me to redeem my people from this racist system. I strongly felt that armed struggle was the only way to confront a system which em ploys armed might against unarmed, innocent people.

Q: At what point of time did you lose faith in the parliamentary system? What precipitated this disillusionment?

A: I entered politics at a time-in the early Seventies-when the younger generation had already lost faith in parliamentary politics. I entered politics as an armed revolutionary. What precipitated the disillusionment in parliamentary politics was the total disregard and callousness of the successive governments towards the pathetic plight of our people.

Q: How did you come to start the Liberation Tiger movement?

A: I originally formed the movement with a group of dedicated youths who sincerely believed that armed struggle was the only way to liberate our people.

Q: What was the reason for identifying yourselves as 'Tigers'?

A: I named the movement 'Liberation Tigers' since the Tiger emblem had deep roots in the political history of the Tamils, symbolising Tamil patriotic resurgence. The tiger symbol also depicts the mode of our guerrilla warfare.

Q: When you decided to form the 'Liberation Tigers', what was the reaction of your family members and those close to you?

A: As soon as the Tiger movement was formed, I went underground and lost contact with my family.

Q: When did you last meet your family members? Are they reconciled to your outlawed existence?

A: I have not seen my family members for the last 11 years. I do not think they regard me as an ordinary person leading an ordinary life.They are reconciled to my existence as a guerrilla fighter.

Q: After 14 years of struggle, do you think you are any closer to achieving your goal?

A: After all these years of struggle I feel that we are advancing towards our goal. The '83 July holocaust has united all sections of the Tamil masses. There is a massive support for the armed liberation program of our movement. This is certainly a step towards our goal.

Q: On what way have the experiences of the past 12 years changed you as a person?

A: These years of struggle have strengthened my determination and sharpened my vision.

Q: Till now what has been your most rewarding experiences?

A: It is difficult for me to identify a particular experience as rewarding. The life of a guerrilla fighter is full of experience: experiences of sorrow, happiness, frustration: each of which brings its own rewards.

Q: The experience over the years must have changed your outlook. What are some of the dominant impressions and convictions that you gained by virtue of this experience? Moreover your experiences would have convinced you of the inefficacy of certain principles and theories in practical situations, whole at the same time bringing home the validity of yet others. Can you pinpoint some of them?

A: Twelve years of experience has convinced me beyond doubt that the armed revolutionary path we under took was the correct one. The other liberation groups who criticised our armed strategy as terrorism have now realised that armed struggle is the only way out for the emancipation of our oppressed people. Moreover the guerrilla warfare has been an effective form of struggle. Several successful guerrilla raids have convinced our people that the Sinhala forces can be defeated and freedom can be won.

Q: Who is your friend, philosopher, and guide?

A: Nature is my friend. Life my philosopher and history is my guide.

Q: How does it feel to be the most wanted man in Sri Lanka today?

A: An Irish leader once remarked that when the British indict a person as a terrorist it implied that he was a true Irish patriot. Similarly when the Sri Lanka government refers to me as the most wanted man it means that I am a true Tamil patriot. Hence I feel proud to be indicted as a wanted man.

Q: Which was your most frustrating moment of your life?

A: I cannot pinpoint such a moment in my life. But the most frustrating aspect has been the betrayal of some of my trusted friends: those who pretended to be sincere to the cause. But turned out to be self seeking opportunists.

Q: How did the split between you and Uma Maheshwaran come about?

A: I do not approve the formulation of the question. In fact. the issue should not be viewed as a conflict or split between me and Uma Maheshwaran. It was a problem between an individual and the Tiger movement. I am in no way responsible for the problem. It was Maheshwaran who created the issue. A leader of a revolutionary movement should commit himself totally to the discipline of the organisation. If a leader violates the basic rules and principles then there will be chaos and the organisation will crumble. Uma Maheshwaran violated the rules of our movement and as a disciplinary action he was expelled by the central committee. Being the founder of the movement and the person who appointed Maheshwaran as the chairman I had no other alternative but to uphold the decision of the central committee.

Q: Today one finds that there are several Eelam liberation groups. Invariably they work at cross-purposes. When the goal is the same, should not there be a unification process? After all, there is more to be gained by using your combined strength against the common enemy. In principle, are you opposed to the rival groups uniting?

A: I have clearly and explicitly stated that I am in favor of such unity moves. I even wrote to these groups on 5 September 1982 welcoming the idea and suggested that we all prepared to form a united front of all other liberation groups, shed their differences and work out a common program of action. But. unfortunately, these groups failed to formulate a common working program. Instead, at every unity meeting they fought against each other and fail apart. The tragedy is that these groups have no sincere intentions to unite and there is a wide gap between their words and their deeds. I sincerely feel that these groups should set an example by forging unity among themselves rather than blaming the Tigers for their disunity. Once they unite we are prepared to join hands with them.

Q: Spokesmen of rival groups have told me that all except you are open to the idea of uniting. Is this true?

A: This is absolutely untrue. It is only a propaganda by other groups to undermine our movement.

Q: Are you alone in the struggle?

A: I am not alone. I lead a powerful national movement and a wide section of the Tamil masses support me.

Q: Do you experience moments of loneliness? And if you do, how do you combat it?

A: I have never felt lonely at any point of time. Loneliness is only a problem with those who are buried in their own individual egos. A true revolutionary transcends individuality and develops a collective, social consciousness. I live and struggle for a common collective cause.

Q: Do you have any regrets about not leading a normal life?

A: There are millions who, as you put it, lead a normal, ordinary existence. But we are fighting for a cause, for a noble ideal which gives us a profound spiritual satisfaction.

Q: Are you worried over the fact that most Tamil youths face a bleak future in Sri Lanka?

A: The youths are fighting a battle for freedom. I foresee a bright future for them.

Q: Is it true that more and more Tamil youths are taking part in the liberation struggle?

A: Yes, more and more youths are joining the revolution under our leadership since they have realised that armed struggle is the only way to redeem themselves and their society.

Q: How would you defend your movement from being called a "separatist" one and that you all are not freedom fighters but "terrorists"?

A: It is wrong to call our movement "separatist". We are fighting for independence based on the right to national self determination of our people. Our struggle is for self determination, for the restoration of our sovereignty in our homeland. We are not fighting for a division or separation of a country but rather, we are fighting to uphold the sacred right to live in freedom and dignity. In this sense, we are freedom fighters not terrorists.

Q: Would you rather die than be caught by the Sinhalese army?

A: I would prefer to die in honour rather than being caught alive by the enemy.

Q: The Liberation Tiger for Tamil Eelam (LTTE) staged the 23 July 1983 ambush in which 13 Sinhalese soldiers were killed. The ambush was allegedly the reason for the Sinhalese retaliation on innocent Tamils. Did you expect such a massive retaliation?

A: The July violence should not be assessed simply as a Sinhala retaliation for the guerrilla ambush. This view is a gross oversimplification of the event. The island has been plagued with anti-Tamil racial violence which erupts periodically over the years. There were violent racial holocausts even before the emergence of our movement. Violent riots erupted in Trincomalee a couple of weeks before the ambush. Therefore, the phenomenon of anti-Tamil racial violence cannot be traced to a single event. We are engaged in a protracted guerrilla warfare. There has been several guerrilla raids, several ambushes,, and we have killed several Sinhala soldiers and policemen. The July ambush was only a part of the warfare we are engaged in. It is incorrect to assume that one particular military operation has precipitated the entire violence.

The July riots, you would have certainly observed, was not only aimed at the physical extermination of our people but it was also aimed at the destruction of the economic power base of the Tamils in Colombo. Our view is that the July holocaust was a pre-planned well- orchestrated genocidal pogrom against the Tamils, carried out by the racial elements of the ruling party. Initially, these racist elements did attempt to put the whole blame on the Tiger. Then, suddenly they blamed the left parties for the riots. But in actual fact, it is the racist leaders of the present government who should be the responsibility for this tragic loss of life and property of our people.

Q: Why did you stage the July ambush? There are various versions afloat. According to some, it was an act of reprisal as four Tamil woman had been raped. Based on my investigations I felt that you had to prove a point to the Sinhalese army who were jubilant over the death of your close associate, Charles Anthony, leader of the military wing on 15. July. The point, I guess that you had to assert was that the LTTE despite the loss of one of its ablest leaders was still strong and capable of take on the Sinhalese army. Is this theory correct?

A: There is an element of truth in your findings about Charles Anthony and the ambush. The attack was partly a retaliation, a punishment for the Sinhala army. But still we feel that the lives of 13 soldiers cannot compensate the life of a great revolutionary and freedom fighter like Charles. The ambush was also a part of the guerrilla warfare directed against the enemy.

Q: Do you think that the round table negotiations will lead to the formulation of a permanent settlement?

A: I am of the opinion that the round table conferences will not bring about a permanent settlement to the Tamil issue. Our view is based on the experience of several decades. The Sinhala leaders never made a sincere attempt to resolve the Tamil issue. The present negotiations will also meet the same fate All the major Sinhala parties and the Buddhist organisations are opposed to granting any form of regional autonomy to the Tamils. They are even opposed to giving minor concessions. Hence nothing substantial will emerge from this conference.

Q: Do you hold the TULF (Tamil. United Liberation Front) leaders responsible for retarding the liberation struggle? Do you view them a betrayers?

A: It is true that the opportunistic politics of the TULF is retarding the liberation struggle. They have never taken any concrete steps to further the struggle. On the contrary they give false hopes, create illusions, and try to keep our people in perpetual bondage. They entered politics only to further their selfish ends. They never had any sincere intentions to liberate our oppressed people, nor did they ever put forward any concrete programme of political action. They never expected that they would be caught in the storm of a liberation struggle. The flame of a revolution is fast spreading all over Tamil Eelam. But the TULF leaders are trying their best to smother the fire. In this sense you can term the TULF leaders as betrayers.

Q: Is it true that the TULF leaders are afraid to go to their home town and stay there not because of the Sinhalese but because of the Tigers?

A: They are frightened not of the Tigers, but of the fury of the people who voted them to power on the promise of an independent state for the Tamils.

Q: Do you think that India's good offices will result in anything tangible?

A: India's efforts have given a positive hope to our people. But I do not think that the Sinhala racist government will utilise India's offer to resolve the problems of the Tamils.

Q: Ideally, what should India do in such a situation to help the Tamils?

A: I think that the government of India should recognise the fair and legitimate demands of our people and accept our right to self determination.

Q: Would you suggest military intervention ?

A: We have the courage, confidence and determination to fight and win our freedom. We should fight and free ourselves. But we do need India's support and sympathy.

Q: What is your personal assessment of President Jayewardene?

A: If Jayewardene was a true Buddhist, I would not be carrying a gun

Q: What do you think is Jayewardene's intention behind holding these negotiations? Is he buying time?

A: There are several reasons behind holding these peace negotiations. Firstly, Jayewardene wants to appease the Indians. Secondly, he wants to restore the colossal damage the riots have done to the image of the country. Thirdly, it would help him to seek financial aid from western agencies. Fourthly, the President wants to buy time to build up the Sinhala military machine.

Q: Is President Jayewardene a prisoner in the hands of the hawks in his cabinet or is he acting on his own? Is he being pressurised by the Buddhist clergy?

A: Jayewardene is acting on his own. He has supreme powers. The hawks in the cabinet and the Buddhist clergy are behind him.

Q: What is the role of the Buddhist clergy in Sri Lanka?

A: The Buddhist clergy has played a dominant role in shaping the political trends in Sri Lanka. They have played a crucial role in whipping up anti-Tamil feelings among the Sinhala people.

Q: Do you think that the Buddhist clergy is well on its way to establishing Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist nation ?

A: Sri Lanka is already a Sinhala Buddhist nation and the Buddhist clergy has contributed a lot for this cause.

Q: Is it the result of the Buddhist clergy's chauvinism or is it the result of a natural alignment following the Catholic clergy's association with the Tamils.?

A: The Buddhist clergy's chauvinism has played a significant role in the establishment of a racist state system. Sections of the Tamil Catholic clergy sympathise with the Tamil cause but the Sinhala Catholic clergy displays strong Sinhala national chauvinism and are opposed to the Tamil demands.

Q: Do you have ties with other liberation movements of the world? Which are the organisations who provide training and arms to the LTTE?

A: We have ties with other world liberation movements. I cannot answer the second part of your question.

Q: Which country in the world has proved to be most sympathetic to your cause?

A: I do not wish to comment on this matter.

Q: What is your ideological commitment?

A: Revolutionary socialism.

Q: Do you expect attacks on the Tamils in the future?

A: Yes, I do. The forces of racism and fascism are actively working against the Tamils in Trincomalee and Vavuniya. Tamils will never be safe until they establish an independent state of Tamil Eelam with a powerful patriotic army to protect their life and property

Q: Is it true that Israelis are training Sinhalese army men on the techniques of anti-guerrilla warfare?

A: So far we haven't got any confirmed reports about the presence of Israeli military experts in Sri Lanka. If the reports are true I won't be surprised. Sri Lanka is turning into a base for US imperialism and its agents. Whoever the trainers are or whatever their expertise maybe. the Sinhala army cannot crush the will and determination of the Tigers. We have a great moral power. a supreme sense of sacrifice, and a noble cause.

Q: What is you r reaction to the alleged heavy induction of arms and ammunition from the United States to Sri Lanka?

A: Induction of US arms is not only a threat to the Tamil freedom movement but also to India's national security. America's objective as you will certainly be aware. is not simply confined to helping the Sri Lankan army to crush the Tamil liberation struggle. Their ultimate aim is to secure a naval base at Trincomalee. Such a happening will convert the Indian Ocean into a war zone, and will increase the tension prevalent in the region.

Q: If and when Eelam is achieved what sort of a nation do you conceive it to be?

A: Tamil Eelam will be a socialist state. By socialism I mean an egalitarian society where human freedom and individual liberties will be guaranteed, where all forms of oppression and exploitation will be abolished. It will be a free society where our people will have maximum opportunity to develop their economy and promote their culture. Tamil Eelam will be a neutral state, committed to non- alignment and friendly to India. respecting her regional policies, particularly the policy of making the Indian Ocean a zone of peace.

Q: In your estimate how long will it take to achieve this Eelam?

A: There cannot be a blueprint or a time limit for a freedom struggle. Everything depends on the situation in our homeland and happenings on the international scene.


Good afternoon,

My staff and I plan to use these messages as a way to directly communicate about important issues and opportunities, and today I have some encouraging updates about health care reform.

The Vice President and I just met with leaders from the House of Representatives and received their commitment to pass a comprehensive health care reform bill by July 31.

We also have an unprecedented commitment from health care industry leaders, many of whom opposed health reform in the past. Monday, I met with some of these health care stakeholders, and they pledged to do their part to reduce the health care spending growth rate, saving more than two trillion dollars over the next ten years -- around $2,500 for each American family. Then on Tuesday, leaders from some of America's top companies came to the White House to showcase innovative ways to reduce health care costs by improving the health of their workers.

Now the House and Senate are beginning a critical debate that will determine the health of our nation's economy and its families. This process should be transparent and inclusive and its product must drive down costs, assure quality and affordable health care for everyone, and guarantee all of us a choice of doctors and plans.

Reforming health care should also involve you. Think of other people who may want to stay up to date on health care reform and other national issues .

Health care reform can't come soon enough. We spend more on health care than any country, but families continue to struggle with skyrocketing premiums and nearly 46 million are without insurance entirely. It is a priority for the American people and a pillar of the new foundation we are seeking to build for our economy.

We'll continue to keep you posted about this and other important issues.

Thank you,
Barack Obama

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ministry on Kashmir Affairs??????

Welcome to first blog,
Congratulations on almost clear verdict by Indian Voters. Finally India is about to have a trouble free and decisive govt at centre. Though half of the population did not vote, but those who voted had a clearer idea to whom they wish to choose.
CNN--IBN broadcasted a close to reality prediction of elections. But the co-host of The Verdict-an election based programme, Karan Thaper asked Farooq Abdullah, Whether he is willing to take a post as cabinet minister if Govt decides to form a Ministry of Kashmir Affair.His question on creating a ministry on kashmir affairs was inspired by Pakistan.Pakistan does have a ministry on kashmir affairs and Karan Thaper is an expert on Pakistan affairs.
Is this the accontability of journalist that he advices to copy Pakistan's foriegn policy??


WELCOME to world of 'The Nose of The News'. My readers have been recieving the episodes of TNoTN for last five years earlier titled as New Age Legends and then as 'The Nose Of The News'. The episodes of TNoTN was distributed thru my e-mail ids, but now there is a convergence. My readers may read the episodes, articles, stories and opinions on much simpler format and that is this blog.

Ratnesh Dwivedi, Journalist and Academician, May 20th,2009.

(How the new age legends was started)