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Thursday, February 11, 2010


Barack Obama
Honourable President of United States of America
White House Govt
White House
Washington D.C.

Sub- In the name of Peace and Prosperity.(Refering President's Oslo Speech)

Honourable Sir,

Not too long ago when world witness horrible terror attack on American soil to whom media refers as 9/11. Perhaps the incident was the begining of Al Qaeda's bloody foot print in the civilised world. It was not the first terror attack on American soil or people or elsewhere in the world but it was perhaps the begining of a rare kind of war against human civilazation. World War was dangerous and cold war era even more but the religion adopted by these people to whom we refer as "terrorists" perhaps have given birth to an unending war against human institution.We hardly see any sign that these animals and their religion is going to accept the idea of democracy and idea of peace.
Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luthar King were greats of all time and the path they made for humanity and brotherhood is a rare kind of example must be adopted by one and all. But as you spoke out in your historical speech that there comes time when idea and path of people like Gandhi and King becomes little irrelevant. In the time when humanity and cocept of democracy is in danger not only in United States of America but across globle and in countries like India ,we can not sit together and look towards Gandhi and King for their advices.Rather we should stand united in the name of humanity,peace and prosperity for our generations to come and take oath to defeat the idea of terrorism and extremism.

What I have understood in last few years when I started writing to white house govt that these people who claim to be fighting a "holy war" in the name of 'God' and "Allah" have enlarged theier organisation across globe and has garnered the support of many other outfits to come together to declare a big war against humanity and civilization.They do not want to see a common people living in peace and thinking about good livlihood for their children. They do not believe that good democracies should talk to each other to solve the problems of humanity and planet earth. They fight for their own cause and a different kind of religion which claims only lives and leaves blood on streets .

Mr President I believe that each country and individuals have right to think of its betterment and prosperity of their people and have a right to protect its terroteries if it is attacked by these people to whom we refer as "terrorist" and in order to that a country have all the right to talk to other head of states to think how to defeat these forcess.

Terrorism is not a word which is restricted to United States of America or Republic of India but its a global war today. If one country thinks that USA is suffering hence let it fight alone then perhaps its daydreaming. Today its USA or India other day it would be your country and your people.Its a glboal war of a different kind and no terrotery and nation is safe even the nations which are sheltering these animals, because these animal do not believe in idea of nation or idea of democracy.

Let us understand and think and come out with an idea how to defeat them. Its not a fight USA should alone tackle. Its fight of each and every individual.fight of each and every nation and fight of each and every member of human institution and fight of each and every member of followers of Humanity religion. So we must stand together and must take an oath in the name of peace and humanity that we will support and protect the idea of democracy and idea of human institution and will defeat these animals and their religion to whom we refer as "Terrorists" by all means and methods.This is the time and this is the moment when we all across continents should come out to protect our planet and to save humanity from these animals because we are in a "Danger".

Written by Ratnesh Dwivedi on Saturday December 12,2009

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