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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thirteen Years and Counting..........(Part 5)

Very soon, we all of us, developed South Campus in to our second home.It became our shelter for the day and sometimes even for the night( an unofficial residence for some of us).We here only discovered what way we have to choose to decide the destiny.

As for me was concerned,I converted it in to a mini office for me ,specially yellow phone booth inside arts faculty building and the PCO just close to its gate.

The first phone call which I made was to ,as I said, Mr Madhukar Upadhyaya. As soon as I rang him up,on BBC address, a soft voice transfered the call to him. Many of us across the listenership of BBC Hindi Service,might agree about the magical pitch,intensity,Volume and Loudness(all the character we study on voice modulation) of his voice.' Hello' as he utterd,I by holding my breath asked for his permission to give me an appointmet to meet him in his office.

And as promised,some eight odd years back ,he agreed and called me at 3:00 PM very next day.This might turn in to a decisive moment,I thought. I collected all my paper clipings,which I got published in Lucknow,my certificates( this was a common practice for me when ever I got a chance to meet any significant person to show my 'might' through certifcates--I don't know if ever I succeded in my attempt) and reached at 3:15, late by full fifteen minutes.

He was busy writing his script(news story) and with his magical smile,very politly reminded me that I was late.With all my courage and all softness, I asked him to give a chance for internship in BBC.I was not sure,till date, what he said,but when I came out of the office the beautifuly crafted receptionist smiled at me. And I realized that I am going to spent couple of months in the magical realm of BBC and its marvellous people.

This was a start of my cynicism,of making phone calls,collecting phone numbers and asking to media giant to give me an opportunity.Which now I feel was developed in to my weak point as I felt that I was begging for something.And there is a saying ' beggers have no choice'.

I am sure that as for as media people are concerned only two male exceptions are there where this 'begger' phenomenon was not applied.And that is Mr Madhukar Upadhyaya and Mr Rajdeep Sardesai.

Yes, ladies in media are always my inspiration,who so ever came in my way.

Next call which I made was to Mr Rahul Dev( A man with whom I opted to meet for thirteen times, and at every time he agreed) and to Nalini Singh's office.

Not to say the south indian man and his beautiful canteen inside south campus has been feeding me up and even intentionly asking to me whether or not I have got my lunch.Murthy's canteen has been a place where from I bought my lunch everyday.and sometime dinner too.I do not know what was the reason.Its good food or Murthy's affection...............................................................................................................................I do not know if I still have some odd one thousand debt on him.

To be contineoud..........................
Next my meeting with more and more media people and how we spent our days in south campus and night outs.

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